GCSEs provide a great basis for further study and allows students to achieve an up-to-date formal qualification which demonstrates that you have the English and maths skills that prospective employers are looking for.
Study Programmes
The GCSE Pathways programme provides 16-18 year olds who have the potential to move onto Level 3 study with five intensive GCSE courses including English and Maths, to build up their confidence and study skills over one year.
You will be taught by teachers working within the Sciences and Humanities department and be part of a GCSE pathway tutorial group as part of the course.
Students study GCSE courses in their chosen pathway, alongside retakes in GCSE English and Maths, if required. Our curriculum experts will help you select the most appropriate pathway to enhance your career prospects.
GCSE Pathways form a full-time programme and are assessed through end-of-year exams. Your progress will also be assessed throughout the year using mock examinations.
You will need a minimum GCSE grade 3 in English and Maths as well as a minimum GCSE grade 3 in one of the subjects from your chosen pathway to be able to retake these intensively.
You will also need to show evidence of why you have the potential to study at Level 3 and should be considered for the programme.
Choose your pathway:
- Science pathway: Core Science, Additional Science, English, Maths, Functional Skills ICT
- Humanities pathway: Sociology, Psychology, English, Maths, Functional Skills ICT
Along with the vocational options, we offer a core GCSE package where students study 5 GCSEs as follows:
- English
- Maths
- Double Science
- Business Studies
This programme of study is suitable for students progressing from higher-level Young ESOL courses or school students who are looking to do resits. Teaching is delivered through a mixture of online learning and classroom instruction at East Ham, or Stratford for the science subjects.
Successful students who are able to achieve grades of 4 and higher on the pathway will be able to apply for Level 3 courses, apprenticeships or access to higher education courses (if you are aged 19+ upon completion).