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Mental Health and Well-Being Support

The Wellbeing Service offers support for individuals who may be experiencing mental health difficulties and/or emotional distress.

Our service provides support for student’s mental health, well-being and build learner resilience, including:

For support, advice and to book appointments, please contact one of our Safeguarding & Welfare Officers at safeguarding@newham.ac.uk.

For drop-ins, visit the Student Services Department at either East Ham (on the ground floor behind the stairwell, opposite the lifts) or in Stratford (next door to reception).

Other Support Services

Newham College is committed to support the best outcomes for all our vulnerable students including:

What Can We Do For You

More Information

You can also access external referrals to Mental Health, Crisis and Newham Council services support.

Learn more about how we are keeping children safe in education.


All personal information is kept confidential. Only with the consent of the student, would the information be offered to relevant staff members as a guide to supporting the individual, in the classroom and during individual support sessions.